The Original Natural English Clay Mud Pack MasqueAn old-fashioned, time-tested earth facial treatment. Relaxes Tired Face Muscles Tightens Sagging Skin Softens Lines and Wrinkles The original old-fashioned, time-tested earth facial treatment. Mud Pack Masque, with imported natural English clay, will work wonders for your skin. It's a very effective pore cleanser. It tightens loose, sagging skin on your face and neck, relaxes tired face muscles and softens lines and wrinkles. Enjoy a Mud Pack Masque facial as a \"pick-me-up\" when you feel tired, when you're preparing to go out for the evening or before going to bed. Your reward will be a clear, smooth, refreshed skin and a healthier, youthful looking complexion. No animal testing. No animal ingredients. Queen Helene ~ Environmentally Concerned.Made in USA